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Remembering “Mr. S.” – Elbridge Stockwell Jr.

Elbridge StockwellIn 2003 I started working at Stockwell Rubber Company, 4th generation US manufacturer located in Northeast Philadelphia.  Part of my training was to sit with Elbridge Stockwell (3rd generation President) and pick his brain. The reason was very apparent – Mr. S. as he was affectionately known throughout the company was a treasure chest of knowledge. At a company where the pace is very fast, the time spent was a nice deviation. Mr. S. would patiently answer my questions and offer detailed explanations followed by pages of notes with even finer details. When I worked with Mr. S. he was in his later years, I’m sure slower than he was in his younger years, but what was still clear and present was his passion for the industry, company and people.

Stockwell Rubber Company was a smaller organization in the 1970s and 1980s. I recently learned that Mr. S. mortgaged his home to purchase a larger facility to help grow the company. It struck a chord with me; in business there is always risk, however very few people would be willing to put their skin in the game as Elbridge did. For this we thank you Mr. S, you literally set the foundation for us!

Signed Steve and the Stockwell Elastomerics family

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